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Global Pageant age 17-30. Model, Talante, Acting see New format. Open for any nationality, any residency, any marital status...


Each completed profile has 6 pictures, a bio and an optional video, please enjoy!
To make a job offer to our CONTESTANTS & MODELS, please contact us HERE
Best models in North America available here on B5C




First vote on below head-shots, then you can enter the profile page of each contestant and vote again. Votes from these 2 places will be added when voting ends September 9, 2019.

Click on "SEE MORE" to view the profile page.

(If a contestant, doesn't have a profile page yet, will not be able to cast the 2nd vote)


Share about your vote in social media and help your favorite contestant win!

* one person can vote no more then once a day. You can vote for multiple contestants. Voting ends May 28, 2018 at Noon EST (Miami Time)

Adama Lakoh - Sierra Leone.jpg

Adama L - Sierra Leone

Elena GoldenIce - Ukraine.jpg

Elena G - Ukraine

Margarita Vasiuta  - Russia.jpg

Margarita V - Russia

Risha Kova - Russia.jpg

Risha K - Russia

Anna Hilta - Iran.jpg

Anna H - USA

Fallon Treolar, Australia.jpg

Fallon T - Australia

Meely - Thailand.jpg

Meely K - Thailand

Sabrina Matsubara, Brasil.jpg

Sabrina M - Brasil

April Deng 07 - China.jpg

April D - China

Jennifer Zhu.jpg

Jennifer Z - China

Melanie Grace Archie 01 Philippines_edit

Melanie A - Philippines

Victoria Shevchenko - Ukraine.jpg

Victoria Sh - Ukraine

Chantale Courtemanche - Canada.jpg

Chantale C - Canada

Julia Bell 01 HR.jpg

Julia B - UK

Olive Wang - China.jpg

Olive W - China

Christine Gregory - UK.jpg

Christine G - UK

Kalsta Gauvreau - France Ireland.jpg

Kalsta G - France Ireland

Paula He, China.jpg

Paula H - China

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