Anna H - Iran
PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD & VOTING: The winner of PEOPLE’S CHOICE Award will receive World Queen title along with a sash and a Crown (To clarify, People’s Choice World Queen is chosen by people of the world and the 6 Queens and 6 Princesses are chosen by the Pageant Judges). Voting will take place on B5C website and possibly on B5C fan page. Voters will be able to purchase as many votes as many times as they want every day until December 1, 2021. Each vote costs $5 CAD (Canadian Dollars). 20% of the amount raised by contestant from voting will be granted to each contestant. Contestants to donate to the charity or good cause of their choice. To promote voting constants are welcome to aggressively promote voting to anyone around the world including family, friends, fans, even though paid advertising.